Although these entries didn’t win, they came mighty close and as such deserve a mention:
Created by Julioras
A beautiful outdoor architectural render! The soft lighting and integration with the surrounding nature is great. It’s not quite photorealistic but it’s definitely close. Well done Julioras!
Created by Jay-artist
A brilliant shot of a classic diner. The top right hand corner is almost completely photorealistic. The burger is probably the biggest throwoff, but it’s still a very decent image. To anyone who doesn’t get the movie reference, view it in fullsize and see if you can get it
Created by Mr.Lasla
Chilling! Choosing a closeup of a human face is a brave move, and one that requires an incredible amount of skill to do well. So I give you massive props for pulling this off as well as you did. There are a couple of areas that break the photorealism (the eyes and minor texture stretching in various places) but other than that it’s a brilliant image. Well done Mr.Lasla!
Created by Jonathan L
Whoaaaa! Clearly some serious effort went into this. Nature is somewhat of my
forte, so I can say with confidence that this scene would not have been easy to pull off. Vast open scenes with multiple elements like grass, flowers, trees and more importantly the forest in the background, are very hard to achieve. Not only that but the shack is amazing too. Even as a standalone model it would be incredible, but complimenting it with the surrounding nature makes it even more impressive. You’ve integrated everything together beautifully Jonathan. You came very, very close to winning.
Created by Bruno Borgiani
You can’t go wrong with a solid interior render. I like that you made the space actually appear to be
lived in. From the plant in the corner, to the open cupboards and food on the cutting board, it looks like a house that a real person set up. My favourite element is the chillies/peppers hanging in the alcove, they’re completely photorealistic. Clearly a lot of work went into this.
Created by keeek
A brilliant closeup of caterpillar. The depth of field (although slightly overpowering) helps add realism to the scale of the scene and the lighting and texturing are superb. Great job keeek!
Created by Marek_H
As someone who lives amongst hundreds of these things (Korean based expat here) I can confirm that this looks very realistic
It’s a simple enough concept (if you’ll excuse the downplay) but it’s pulled off very well. The brilliant lighting match and the subtle texture on the walls make this more realistic than others. Excellent attention to detail!
Created by dailerob
Stunning! Whilst this isn’t quite as photorealistic as the other finalists here, it’s definitely one of the more difficult scenes to render, so for that reason it deserves a
big mention. Not only did you a render a clothed human character in the foreground (does that sound weird?), but you also rendered a full CG nature backdrop. I know first hand just how hard that type of scene is. So for these reasons I give you a massive blender kudos! Truly great work dailerob.
Created by Mumbay
Annnnnd the grossest scene award goes to… Mumbay!
Whilst this certainly isn’t the most appealing of scenes it’s definitely up there in terms of realism. The paper holder, wall, basin and soup dispenser are all brilliantly textured and give this a very real truckstop-bathroom feeling. Fantastic work.
Created by Major4z
The undisputed winner! Like a lot of people, I didn’t believe it was cg when I first saw it.
“No way. He cheated somehow. Probably camera mapping at least.” But after seeing the
wireframes my jaw literally dropped. What you’ve done in this entry is truly mind boggling. You’ve reached a level of realism that I don’t think any other Blender artist has ever achieved. I feel like the blender community has just stepped onto new ground and it’s all thanks to you!
A massive congratulations Major4z! You’ve won
Digital Lighting and Rendering [2nd Edition], $500 donated to a charity of your choice and a permanent spot in the
Winners Hall of Fame!
A big thank you to everyone who participated in this competition! There were some truly high quality images submitted, so if you didn’t get a mention don’t feel bad! The bar was set ridiculously high
If you’d like feedback on your image, post your name in the comments below and ask the community for feedback. I’m sure they’d be happy to give it.
Got an idea for the theme of the next competition?
Post it in the comments below.
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